Saturday, July 26, 2008

ESPN's Helmet Clash

Like always, Michigan is doing fine in this category. They only have the best uniforms and helmets already, now we're just going for cool.

So far in the first round, they have the highest vote differential with 68% going to Michigan against a cool looking Arizona State helmet.

The second closest was Alabama with 67%, but they faced...Nevada. Yep, that's a good fight.

As of right now, Michigan will most likely facing the Irish in this head-on battle.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My new favorite player!

Is the new number 20, Michael Shaw. Simply because I do not want to buy a new jersey, I'll just be reppin' Shaw!....

Anyways the new fall roster is out on, whoohoo!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I'll try to stay on a weekly basis if not more.

Some stuff you know thats happened:

Grady with a .281 [unless I'm wrong] B.A.C. He pleaded not guilty.

Lawsuit got settled. HOORAY its still as much as it was before.... I'm glad we wasted 6 months with that!

Ann Arbor one of 20 cities nominated for TitleTown.

No definite starting QB still, though Threet is the front-runner apparently.

And more recruits, whoo-hoo.

Again sorry for recent lack of posting.